Friday, October 18, 2013

Counties Flowers of Northern Ireland

Counties Flowers of Northern Ireland 
The counties of Northern Ireland were the principal local government divisions of Northern Ireland from its creation in 1921 until 1972, when their governmental features were abolished and replaced with twenty-six unitary authorities, Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry and Tyrone. These form two-thirds of the historical province of Ulster. 
The English administration in Ireland in the years following the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland created counties as the major subdivisions of an Irish province.This process lasted a period from the 13th to 17th centuries, however the number and shape of the counties that would form the future Northern Ireland would not be defined until the Flight of the Earls allowed the shiring of Ulster from 1604. Though the present-day counties of Northern Ireland were planned in the early 16th century, some had already existed in one form or another beforehand although their boundaries would be adjusted.Each county would have an associated county town, with county courts of Quarter Sessions and Assizes.
The following are the flowers selected for the counties of the North Ireland.

Antrim ( Harebell )

Armagh ( Cowbane )

Belfast ( Gorse )

Down ( Spring Squill )

Fermanagh ( Globe-Flower )

Londonderry ( Purple Saxifrage )

Tyrone ( Bog Rosemary )

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