Saturday, August 17, 2013

Flowers of World Countries ( B )

Flowers of World Countries ( B )

Bahamas ( Yellow Elder )

Bangladesh ( Shapla ) Waterlily

Barbados ( Pride of Barbados )

Belarus ( Flax )

Belgium ( Red Poppy )

Belize ( Black Orchid )

Bermuda ( Blue Eyed Grass )

Bhutan ( Blue Poppy )

Bolivia ( kantuta )

Bosnia and Herzegovina ( Lilium )

Botswana ( Rosa )

Brazil ( Cattleya Orchids )

Brunei Darussalam ( Simpor )

Bulgaria ( Rosa )

Burkina Faso ( Rosa )

Burundi ( Bujumbura )

Below mention countries don't have national flowers

Bassas da India
Bouvet Island
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands

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