Monday, November 11, 2013

Calceolaria Flowers

Type of  Flowers
Calceolaria also called lady's purse, slipper flower and pocketbook flower,or slipperwort, is a genus of plants in the Calceolariaceae family, sometimes classified in Scrophulariaceae by some authors. This genus consists of about 388 species of shrubs, lianas and herbs, and the geographical range extends from Patagonia to central Mexico, with its distribution centre in Andean region.Calceolaria species have usually yellow or orange flowers, which can have red or purple spots. 
Calceolaria - herbaceous or shrub abundantly flowering plant that is grown in a culture room as annual or biennial. She conquers its peculiar shape bright two-lipped flowers, the upper lip is extremely small, barely noticeable, and the lower large, inflated, spherical. According to her similarity to the people they are called "shoes" or "purses". More common "booties" yellow and gold, but there are orange, red, brown or red. Often decorated with flowers, dots, spots, increasing the decorative effect. Simultaneously on a bush can flourish to 50 flowers. Blossoms usually in the spring and summer. But, thanks to the intervention of professionals flowering specimens can be purchased in stores and winter. 

There are two groups of Calceolaria: 
1) herbaceous biennials with large flowers of various colors; 
2) shrubby perennials with smaller flowers. 

Shrub Calceolaria good as potted plants to decorate balconies and room contents, use them well for growing beds. Herbaceous Calceolaria - beautiful flowering plants with larger flowers for the temporary detention room. 
Widely cultivated as houseplants only hybrids Calceolaria, sometimes called hybrid Calceolaria. Saccate flowers of red, orange, yellow, pink and white with charming spots or specks. The height varies from 10 to 45 cm, depending on the species.

Indoors Calceolaria grow very difficult, it does not tolerate direct sunlight and heat. It should be kept in light or half-shaded and cool conditions at 14-16 ° C. At high temperatures (20-25 ° C) plant is aging rapidly and affected by pests. In the summer it is desirable to take half-shaded, sheltered from the cold winds of space on the balcony or in the garden. The plant must be protected from the elements. Calceolaria hibernates in a bright room at 8-12 ° C. 

Watering during flowering Calceolaria watered regularly, avoiding stagnation of water. In winter, plants contain a moderate watering, not leading to coma drying ground is as much water is harmful to plants. 
Humidity: In order to maintain the necessary humidity around the plant, the flower pot should be placed on a tray with gravel, half-filled with water. In no case don’t spray the leaves and flowers of the plant - leaves Calceolaria softly hairy and carry it away from water droplets. 
Dressing: 1 Calceolaria fertilize every 10 days with a solution of mineral fertilizers. Feeding begins two weeks after planting in pots and continues to bloom. 
Formation bushes: form bushes Calceolaria by neckerchief, i.e. removing the side shoots that grow from the axils of the leaves. During the period of intensive growth to budding plants are sometimes pinch, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves, from the axils of which there are side shoots. As a result, plants are best bush, blooming profusely, but the diameter of the flower is smaller than neckerchief.

Care after flowering Calceolaria often grown as an annual plant, but you can save it for next year. After flowering it is cut and tied for 1.5-2 months in a cool dark place, occasionally wetting the earth com (do not put the complete drying of the soil). When it begins to grow new growth, it put on the lighted area, where it blooms. Flowering begins at 2 months earlier than in plants grown from seeds, and is weak. In this case, the plant significantly stretched, loose decorative inherent young specimens.

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