Friday, November 8, 2013

Fringe Lily Flowers

Type of Flowers 
Fringe lily: 
Fringe-lily known as the ( Thysanotus tuberosus ) , is a genus of perennial herbs in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Lomandroideae,which are native to Australia, Malesia and Asia. The species name tuberosus refers to the crisp tasting edible root. The leaves are linear in shape, and round at cross section towards the top. The plant grows from 20 cm to 60 cm tall.
It grows in a wide variety of situations, from semi-arid parts of south eastern Australia to coastal areas receiving more than 1300 mm of rain per year. They are often found in open country, heathlands or in dry sclerophyll woodland. 
Flowers form from September to April. The three petaled flowers are purple, with frilly edges, and only last for one day. They are among the more strikingly beautiful wildflowers in south eastern Australia.

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