Monday, April 28, 2014

Anguloa Flowers

Type of Flower 
Anguloa, commonly known as tulip orchids,Botanical name Anguloa uniflora Also known as the cradle orchid, and boat orchid.The anguloa uniflora flower looks like it has a baby held in a cradle. Each flower is up to 10cm wide and has a fragrant minty or cinnamon perfume.Its abbreviation in horticulture is Ang. This genus was described by José Antonio Pavón and Hipólito Ruiz López in 1798. They named it in honor of Francisco de Angulo, a contemporary Peruvian who collected orchids as a hobby and by this way had become quite knowledgeable about these plants, assisting the botanists in their work. 
This genus is found on the forest floor at high elevations from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador to Peru.

Tulip orchids are rather large terrestrial and sometimes epiphytic plants with fleshy pseudobulbs longer than 20 cm. The long, lanceolate and plicate leaves of a full-grown Anguloa can be more than 1 m long. Two to four leaves grow from the base of each pseudobulb. The leaves are deciduous, and are shed at the start of each new growth.

The flowers of these orchids have a strong scent of cinnamon. They are of waxy appearance and are (in wild species) either of two colors, depending on the species – greenish white, or yellow to red. A single flower per inflorescence arises from the base of each new pseudobulb. The white tulip orchids have six inflorescences per pseudobulb, the other can produce up to twelve inflorescences. The sepals have a bulbous shape, resembling a tulip; hence the common name. The lip is three-lobed. The column has four pollinia.

There are nine species of tulip orchids, with varieties known of some of these. In addition, there are 4 natural hybrids, which might eventually evolve into distinct species with self-sustaining populations.



  1. So pretty where can I get them?

  2. Has anyone found out were to get these beautiful plants

  3. I too would like to know where can I buy a few of these beautiful plants.

  4. These are beautiful flowers. I love to grow some. I would like to know where to get them too.

  5. Anyone found out how to get seeds?
