Thursday, April 3, 2014

Opium Poppy Flowers

Type of Flower
Opium Poppy:
The Opium Poppy (Papaver Somniferum; also known as the Breadseed Poppy) is arguably the most infamous flower in the history of mankind. Used medically and recreationally since as early as 4200 B.C., Somniferum has been the cause and subject of wars, subjugation, and economic tribulations and prosperities. Used medicinally, it provides the most effective treatments for pain known. 
Opium (lachryma papaveris, or "poppy tears" from the Latin) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy, and includes codeine, morphine, and non-narcotic alkaloids, such as thebaine, papervine, and noscapine. 

There are several different ways opium can be consumed. The most traditional and safest way is smoking opium, because the intensity of the effects can be carefully controlled. The user should chose this method when he has a new batch of opium. 
Making tea of opium is a potential dangerous practice. It is easy to overdose by drinking opium tea. The user should drink it slowly over the course of an hour. This will reduce nausea and possible changes of overdosing.
It is also important to keep the temperature of the tea below 70 C, because it will degrade the product. 
The dosages for oral use of opium are 1/3 to 1/2 gram. It is best to start low and test the strength of the opium by smoking. 2 grams can be fatal if used orally. Adding some citric acid will enhance the taste and the effectiveness of the tea. 
'Smoking' opium is the most safe way and less spilling way of using. Opium is not really smoked, but vaporized like base cocaine. There are several ways of smoking. One can use a normal hash pipe. The procedure is as follow:
Lay the opium on the pipe screen in some ashes.
Put the pipe at your mouth and heat up the opium with a flame, but don't let the flame touch the opium!
Slowly inhale the smoke if it starts to bubble. Refined opium will melt away without leaving much residue. Raw opium will leave a hard residue. The smoke is rather sweet.
Wait some minutes to evaluate the strength of the opium.
Repeat the process at will.
The dosage of opium is the size of a match head (0.1 grams). This is the safest way of using, because one has a lot of control over the dosages and intensity of effects. Because opium doesn't cause the paranoia weed or hash causes, it is easy to overdo it. It is possible to overdose on opium. 
There are special opium lamps, which make the smoking of opium much more enjoyable. 
It should be noted that smoking from aluminum foil should be avoided. Aluminum can cause Alzheimer's Disease. 

Opium, Opiates and Opioids all produce similar effects. At low doses they make highly effective painkillers, and at medium to high doses produce euphoria, nausea, sleepiness, “a warm fuzzy” feeling and a sense of peace. They are extremely addictive both mentally and physically and withdrawals from the drugs can be quite intense with effects including but not limited to suicidal thoughts, cold sweats, uncontrollable diarrhea, immobility, sleeplessness, abnormal body temperature and heartbeat and severe depression. Once addicted, these substances are extremely hard to get away from and are capable of ruining ones live completely. The severity of all addictions depend a lot upon the vulnerability of the user towards addiction in general. But none the less this class of substances are extremely dangerous in this regard and should be treated with the utmost respect. 
The above methods are the only safe uses of opium. One cannot inject opium because of the impurities. It is also not recommended to take opium rectally. Because it contains plant material, it could cause a mold or something similar. Insufflation of opium is not possible. It will clog up the nose without being much absorbed. 
If one wishes one of these practices, knowledge of chemistry and further refinement of the product is necessary. 
Opium also isn't a topological analgesic, so it won't work when applied to the skin. 

There are many dangers to opium use but many of these can be limited or very non threatening if responsibility and safe use is practiced. The first and foremost danger to opium is due to it being a CNS (central nervous system) depressant, when someone uses to much opium or even opiates they can have their CNS slow down to dangerous levels which can cause breathing problems, heart failure, stroke, and even death. Another danger of opium use is operating heavy, or in some cases even light, machinery. When people use opium it slows down their reaction timing, which can result in injury or death. Driving is not recommended because of this very reason. 
A danger to opium use also comes when combining opium with other CNS depressants. This will increase the CNS being slowed down which causes complications as described above. Most used CNS depressants that are combined with opium is alcohol, benzodiazpines, barbiturates (although most of these have been banned), and other types of "downers". While withdrawals are not usually fatal from opium they are very unpleasant and if other health problems are experienced at the same time can cause very dangerous complications. Opium is a very addictive narcotic that while can cause euphoria can have a physical tolerance built up and once this happens withdrawals are experienced. The mental withdrawals such as depression, irritability, and anger are unpleasant in the least but not as dangerous as the physical withdrawals.  

Even if you manage to avert the risks of addiction, and then it's only a matter of time, you still run the risk of overdose-- even if you have prior experience with poppies. The alkaloid content: judged by the amounts of morphine, codeine, thebaine, and papaverine, can vary by extremely large amounts from plant to plant, pod to pod, and seed to seed. This means that if you normally consume 5g of plant material, and you get a batch that's 3x stronger than you are used to, you will actually be consuming an equivalent amount of opiates to 15g of plant material. Clearly this can be vary dangerous. Different batches can easily have a 3x-6x variance OR MORE, a few week batches followed by a strong batch can spell disaster. For this reason, it is very important to know the strength of your tea. 
The only way to effectively curb this problem is lab testing every time, but the cost of this service is exorbitant, and the time take to do it make it unfeasible. Instead, a safer (but not totally safe) way to dose poppy tea is to make a batch like you normally would. Instead of drinking the tea all at once, drink about 1/3 and wait 35 - 60 minutes so you get a good feeling of where the effects are. If you notice the tea is unusually bitter or strong, then drink less. Your taste and smell will be your only indicators of how powerful the tea, and this is only for experienced users. This is especially important if you are dosing yourself and no-one else is around to make sure you keep breathing. Accustomize yourself with the aroma and flavor of these alkaloids, and you will lower your risk level accordingly. New users and less experienced users should always use the safer course.


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